After the last fight i had with Keith i never looked back. He didn't die, i know because he came around looking for me but i was long gone. Now i was not the type to be with females but i was tired of being around dudes all the time, so i started going out with my close childhood friend Eva aka eve. She reminded me of myself in numerous ways. Looks a little, light brown skin, hour glass shape, just shorter than me. And she was also hurt when she was younger. Im not going to put her business out and besides this is my story. But back to my story we would go out just about every day to bars, clubs, or go over some of our friends houses and drink and smoke. By now i was 20 and she was 18. Whenever one of us had a boyfriend, the other one would go with his friend. One summer we were walking around and met these two sexy brothers, Larry and Sam. Larry was tall, brown skin, and a nice build. Sam was shorter and darker but the same build. Larry walked over to eve and Sam came right to me. We were with them almost all the time. Larry and Sam may have been cute but they were nobody to be fucked with. Larry was more of the pretty boy that went shopping alot but was also very trigger happy. Sam was the same but a little more humbler. They also had a nice team so they were rarely fucked with. Me and eve enjoyed being with them i think because of the adrenaline and they were also funny. One day Larry got locked up, he was caught selling drugs. But eve still came around and she started fucking with his friend papi. At first they kept it a secret for a little but it came out. Larry was mad but he was booked and it wasn't to much he can do. Me and Sam were doing good until i found out he had a girl pregnant that still came around from time to Time. After i found out that i didnt like him as much but i would still come around. I started to feel a little bad because whenever his baby mom came over she didn't know i was fucking him and that he really didn't want to fuck with her. She would be there but he was still in my face. One night we fucked each other while she was in the next room. She knew and she cried to my cousin. I felt bad but didn't honestly care. But i left him alone because he couldve did that to me one day. And Larry came home which made it awkward for eve so we stopped coming around. Now tremaine just came home a few months ago and been trying to find me. I heard he was still with his girlfriend though so what did he want with me??